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Art & Design

Art is a language of the Soul.

It can serve as an outlet for expression, a safe space of sanctuary, a point of inspiration & motivation, and an opportunity to explore ourselves on a much deeper level.


Through my art offerings, I strongly focus on implementing healing, self love and wellbeing, as an integral part of my work.

My own art creations include energy healing, intuitive markings and soul-led design, as well as crystal and precious stone inclusions in my painting.



For Sale

Abstract and interpretive art pieces, in oil paints, infused with healing & crystals, available to purchase.

Create Your Own Art

Workshops & programs where you will be guided to experience deeper connection and create your own piece of soul art.

Intuitive design for business owners

Custom made graphics and visuals for your business. Including done-for-you packages and templates.

Tarot & Oracle Deck Design

Commission the artwork for your own deck of cards.


Personal & Commercial commissions taken.


Creative wellbeing intervention in schools

Creative wellbeing intervention sessions are available to book for primary school age groups,

from reception (EYFS) through to year 6.

The sessions are run on site within the schools own setting.

The sessions are run in small groups of up to 5 children.
1 session can cover multiple groups, as well as 1-1 time if required.

A 'session' is generally 2 hours total.
Each small group is recommended 15-20 minutes each
(Depending on the total number of pupils per session)


What is creative Wellbeing Intervention?

Creative wellbeing intervention sessions are offered within school hours as an enrichment opportunity to children who could use some form of additional support or encouragement, such as any emotional, social or personal development, including children with any SEN or additional needs. It can also be offered as a treat or incentive to pupils that are reaching or working toward targets and goals.


As well as adding more creative enrichment to each child's learning and development journey, the art intervention sessions provide a whole host of benefits; Art is used as a tool, to support children in various ways, such as speech and language development - working on pronunciation, as well as taking on new words for their vocabulary. Also building on social skills. It serves as an emotional outlet offering space for time to talk - sharing stories, thoughts and feelings, as well as positively working together as a group, 


Art is great for aiding development of the right side of the brain and can really cultivate a great set of skills that will aid children with cognitive development, problem solving, memory, following instruction, growing attention span, confidence building, self expression and helps support creativity & imagination. 


Sessions also focus on physical development, such as fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, as well as a great variety of sensory enrichment opportunities. 


As well as the above benefits, these sessions provide exciting opportunities to explore an array of art and craft techniques, inspiring and giving new ideas, which they may continue to explore and build interest in in their own time outside of school.


I offer a wide range of projects and techniques to explore, inclusive of (but not limited to) various forms of painting, printmaking, dye work, collage, sculpture (including clay), drawing, sewing, and more. Each project gives the children an opportunity to experiment and explore with art materials & techniques, and to also build on any existing creative skills.


Each child is treated with complete respect, empathy and kindness. The sessions offer a very warm and welcoming environment, where children are encouraged to talk, but also to respectfully listen to and conversate with their peers. 

Head Teacher Feedback

" Laura led therapeutic art sessions over a number of terms at my school. Laura’s approachable, kind and professional approach made it easy for class teachers to liaise with her and decide what sort of provision would best suit the needs of the children. Laura was able to deliver impactful and fun sessions that engaged children and allowed them to improve on agreed targets such as communication, vocabulary and teamwork. I heartily recommend Laura and I’m sure my children would do too! "


- Dan Crossman, Headteacher

I have been working in schools offering creative opportunities since 2018, inclusive of the wellbeing sessions and also regular after-school art clubs.


I hold a Level 2 qualification in "Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health", as well as being a parent of two children, one with ASD, ADHD and significant learning difficulties, adding to my experience of supporting children with SEN needs. 


I have a wealth of creative experience, in various art techniques and mediums, as a professional working artist, as well as art and design focused higher education and City & Guilds qualifications.

Session Pricing


2 Hour Sessions
At least 4 sessions per term.

Term payable in advance

Per Session
(Maximum 20 children per session)


2 Hour Sessions
One-off sessions.

Payable in advance

Per 2 Hour Session
(Maximum 20 children per session)

ad-hoc full day Sessions
One-off full day, divided into 2 sessions.

Payable in advance

Per Full Day Session
(Maximum 40 children per day)


Pricing is inclusive of all tools and materials required.
2 hour sessions are inclusive of set up & tidy away time

Full day sessions will be 9.30am - 2.45pm
(Inclusive of a lunch
 break and any set up & tidy away time)

*1-3pm timings dependant on location of school

Private Sessions

Private 1-1  or small group opportunities are also available to book, either at my art studio in Wilton (SN8), or at your own location.


Ideal to support your child's artistic enrichment and also to aid alongside alternative education.


Private sessions are up to 1 hour in duration and priced at £30 per hour

(plus mileage if I am travelling to you)

This time can be divided to suit requirements.

This is inclusive of tools and materials.

Terms & Conditions

Regular termly bookings must be paid for in advance at least 1 week prior to the first session. This enables ample time to create project lists and order relevant materials and resources. Ad-hoc bookings require at least 2 weeks notice, payment in full due upon booking to secure slot in diary. It is the schools responsibility to organise groups, ensuring that they do not exceed a maximum of 5 children. Also taking into account the dynamic between children in each group, their ability/level of need and any specific targets they may be working towards. A full list of names of children attending sessions must be provided, along with any brief notes on any key focus points for each individual child.


A designated space for use during sessions is required. I will always endeavour to return the space as it is when I arrive, however there may be the odd piece of paper, fluff, glitter, etc, that will need to be hoovered by school cleaners. Surfaces will be wiped down with antibacterial spray to ensure cleanliness and also to adhere to relevant COVID guidelines.


Should a booking not go ahead due to my own reasons, I will endeavor to reschedule for the nearest suitable date. As much notice will be given as possible. Any missed sessions during termly bookings can be carried over to the next term and the relevant amount deducted from the next invoice. Session dates will always be discussed prior to an invoice being issued. Failure to settle an invoice before the specified date may result in your booking date being cancelled or postponed.


It is essential that a paediatric first aid trained member of staff is on hand within the school building during art sessions.

Please ensure that I am made aware of any allergies or health conditions of children attending art sessions in advance. This enable me to both plan a session with techniques and materials that are safe and suitable, but also to enable me to support each child as best I possibly can. 

While it is stated that all materials are provided, there may be the odd occasion where a school resource may be requested, such as use of a guillotine, drying rack, white board, etc. No electrical item which requires a plug-in power source will be used, this is to comply with PAT testing requirements and ensure safety of all concerned. A copy of my risk assessment for art sessions can be provided on request. 


Member of Artists' Union England

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