Sorry you want to leave the membership!
*Sad face*
Sorry to hear you are thinking of leaving!
Here at Anuveya, I know that we can't control life, no matter how hard we try, so if something has cropped up which means that you can no longer continue your membership, that's okay.
I really hope you wont want to leave, but if you have to then we'll certainly be sad to see you go, but let's make it an easy, painless break for you.
If you really would like to stay, but times are a bit tough, please do reach out and I'll do what I can to help. I may be able to either pause your payments, or depending which level you're signed up to, you can downgrade your membership too.
However if this isn't the space for you, you can continue to read on.
(I'll be sad to see you go!)
You can terminate your membership today, however you will still have 30 days access to the Astro colour Collective from the date of your last payment, so you won't lose out on your content and member benefits in the meantime.
We'll be glad to have you back at any time, but just be aware, the price may be different and higher when you choose to come back. When you join as a member, you lock in that membership price you may when you join for the whole time you're a member, but if you leave and come back, then you will have to join at the price at that moment in time.
So, to get you sorted, just complete the short form below and it's as easy as that!
(Sure, it's way easy to leave, you're not a prisoner! But I'd rather make it easy for you to leave but you won't want to, rather than keep you locked up like Rapunzel and you have to be here with no easy way out, nobody wants that crap!)